Saturday, August 2, 2008

Special Requests

Adding to the Month of Firsts theme, I thought I would pass this one along. A guest that will remain nameless (you know who you are doll baby!) recently asked Christi and I to keep our eyes peeled for a suitable companion for her. Being that I spend nearly every waking hour at the shop, and spend most of that time on the extraction of or receiving end of personal information, I could see why in her eyes I would make a suitable match maker. We took this intriguing concept one step further. Speed & Speed, the idea that we could pair caffeine addicted, love starved singles with the opportunity to meet one another was brilliant! Coffee meet speed dating. And so, a new first is born. Speed dating at Perk on coming soon. And folks, for the record, this is the cleaned up version of how this story unfolded. Visit in person for the raw un-cut version.


General Slocum said...

Holy cow. This is all Emmaus needs: a full time caffeine-spewing yenta! If the secret service isn't already using Perk as an information-gathering site, they will be now. Start looking for girls who have a thing for fit, silent men in suits and shades. Good morning!

Jill said...

Next a young attorney with a dream comes along and opens a little store.....and calls it B**GS, D**GS, & T***GS. Emmaus is now complete!