Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Ok, so I am one of those folks who believes Valentine's Day is merely a manufactured day to boost card, flower and chocolate sales. For men it means increased stress levels as they scramble Feb. 13th at 6pm on the way home from work to find the perfect card or thoughtful gift. Women? Well we race to get our pedicures/manicures done and get the children off to the babysitters. To me, this day means stress, but to many of you, it means love and crap like that. So, to the romantics; may this day bring you great love!

And for the men still driving around in search of the perfect gift...stop by Perk on Main for a gift certificate, something that will surely get her "engine" going!


Whisperings 13 said...

here, here!- let's do away with the whole darn day - and instead take that wacky notion of loving the people in our lives every day! -silly, i know. we will be over-run with ((gasp))trees and such from the greeting card industry going belly up - but come on ladies~ if your entire relationship hinges on whether or not there is a card and a gift- I would think something was amiss. lol - just one anti-valentine's day'ers 2 cents. Hope you'all had fun!

Jill said...
